We are pleased to announce that Harris Installation Services have successfully passed the FORS Silver audit. We have now held this accreditation for over 11 years for our mixed fleet of 17 vehicles.
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme encompassing all aspects of safety, fuel efficiency, vehicle emissions and improved operations. FORS is designed to help fleet operators to measure and monitor performance and alter their operations in order to demonstrate best practice.
The FORS standards specifically address the legal requirements of operating vehicles commercially in the UK.
There are three levels of FORS accreditation which a fleet operator can be granted. These are as follows:
a) Bronze – a legally compliant operator that is following good practice – this is the entry level of accreditation
b) Silver – high quality operator,
committed to becoming safer, greener
and more efficient – this is the
intermediate level of accreditation
c) Gold – exceptional operator that has
met specific targets and is continuing
to improve – this is the highest level of
Accreditation to the FORS scheme works in partnership with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and goes towards improving our OSCR score. The OSCR is a Ministry of Transport product that monitors Hauliers Compliance with the Road Traffic Act. Things such as roadworthiness and Drivers Hours are very strictly controlled and the OSCR allows the DVSA patrols to see what levels of compliance a haulier is at and carry out roadside checks for any shortfalls or breaches in Drivers Hours Regulations.
The FORS Scheme allows companies to demonstrate their commitment to operating legally, improving the air quality in London and monitoring and reducing their Carbon footprint.
HIS were granted Bronze status in 2009 and managed to achieve Silver in 2010 by demonstrating the efforts and improvements being made, including all aspects of driver improvement and the addition of new Fuel efficient vehicles to the fleet.
We are currently in the process of applying for Gold status. This involves various case studies of how we are working with the scheme and what positive effects scheme has had overall, whilst demonstrating an appropriate Quality Management Strategy to maintain the highest standards required.